Ocean Decor, beach, nautical themed decorating, posts, articles, news

Ocean Decor
A blog dealing with ideas, posts found elsewhere on the internet, news articles and more. ALL dealing with nautical, beach, ocean themed home and business decorating

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coral & Shell Creations; Decorative Lamps

Coral/Shell Creations by Tideline USA

Tideline a wholesale seashell, coral collectible importer has some new creations utilizing corals and shells that other may consider as a DIY home project or simply contact Tideline for retailers selling these unique creations.
Background; Tideline was established in 1979 as a direct import wholesaler of marine natural history product, and soon became recognized as a leading source for commercial, decorative and collector corals, shells and related marine specimens.

Miguel (of Tideline) is the artist behind these creations, so all credit for these beautiful coral/shell creations goes to him.

These decorative lamps are really cool; simply touch the shells or coral and the light goes on and off!
 Coral and Seashell Touch Lamp

Coral and Seashell Touch Lamp

This is a tabletop decorative seashell & coral creation
Tabletop Coral, Shell Decoration

This tabletop coral decoration or similar can also be displayed in a display case with UV black lights (UVA), this adds a very interesting mood and often brings out colors that otherwise would not be present in normal lighting.
One can also add a black light bulb to the lamps as well for an interesting mood effect.

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